Thursday, June 28, 2007


I love bananas! Now that I have some teeth, I can eat them like a big girl - no more mushing them up or cutting them into pieces. If only banana trees grew in Michigan - that would save Mom and Dad a lot of trips to the store.

I also discovered Nutella. It is so tasty I just had to share it with my whole face! Check out my teeth. I think there are more on the way soon.

Monday, June 25, 2007

A Busy weekend in June!

Whew - what a busy weekend, let's see if I can remember it all!

Grandma and Grandpa Roach came to visit me on Saturday and they brought me a few gifts, including this fun blow up chair!
Ahhh, it's tough to be a little princess!

And of course what hot weekend day is complete without a trip to the pool?

I wish you guys would let go of me so I could get back to flirting with the lifeguards!

But my weekend wasn't done - Sunday was my mommy's triathalon on Belle Isle and she needed dad and I to pit crew for her - look at her go:

This is the transition from swimming to biking:

Two laps and going strong:
Mommy was going pretty fast on her bike, but we just managed to get a picture!

Monday, and back to Annie's after a tough weekend. Although daddy insists that I have to wear my own clothes and stop borrowing his:ok dad, but this looks a lot better on me than it does on you! When is our tee time?

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Yabba Dabba Do!

Hey guys - yeah I know, I know - it's been a LONG time since you've seen me on the blog - sorry. Even though I can do lots of new stuff, I'm not quite up to typing coherent things yet - although I can push the buttons like nobody's business!

I've been sleeping pretty good lately, and I'm moving around so much that when I crash for a nap, I CRASH! You can seee my favorite friend, Lamby Lamby. I always keep him close by.

Last weekend was Fathers Day - and a great excuse for me to do some arts-n-crafts outside on my picnic table. Look out Hallmark - I make my own cards. My daddy and both of my grandpas received limited edition Emmy Art.

On Tuesday we went over to say goodbye to my friend Hannah who is moving with her family to Connecticut. She's my best bud, so I'm gonna miss her a lot. We played at her house and went to the Coney Island for lunch - mmm hotdogs and cottage cheese!

Today I was quite talkative - especially after my mommy took me to the pool.

Here's a sample:

I've never even seen the Flintstones, but I'm ready to sing along!

Bye guys, I love you!
