Monday, November 12, 2007

Friends from Japan

Last week a few of my dad's friends from Japan came to Ann Arbor to do some suspension testing. They got to stand by the big truck when it dropped off its trailer at Subaru - I wish I could have been there, I love big trucks!

Here is my dad with Mr. Arai and Mr. Seki:
Arai Ryan Seki

Here is my dad with Mr. Terui and Mr. Seki:
Terui Ryan Seki

Later that week, dad's friends came over to our house for a BBQ. Mr. Arai brought me a Nintendo stuffed dog and helped me read a book:
Arai-san and Emily

Mr. Arai has children back in Japan, so I'm sure he missed them a lot during his trip to America. Dad's co-workers at Subaru are always very nice to him when he visits Japan, so I'm glad they could come to visit our house and have a good time!

Love, Emily