Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Santa Claus

visited Annie's last week. We had a Christmas party during the last hour of the day. In addition to having cupcakes with frosting , making crafts and singing along with Mr. G, I was able to meet Santa. He seemed pretty nice and gave me some Play-Doh, which I love to play with.

We were even able to take a picture of the whole family with Santa. Ho, ho, ho!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

First Snow

We had our first big snow of the season last night. Mommy would like you to think that I am sad that Daddy missed it because he is on a test trip. But I am really just mad that I have to put all of this gear on to go outside!
Here I am checking things out. I am not sure I am a fan. How much longer until we are in the Bahamas?

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Happy Birthday, Daddy

Yesterday was my dad's birthday. I helped him open his present, a George Foreman G5 grill. I don't know how well it grills, but the package made a great spot for me to practice my climbing and jumping!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

All Mommy wanted...

was a nice family picture. We were dressed up for the Subaru Christmas Party, but I was in no mood! No matter how many suckers and chocolate covered strawberries I got, I did not want to wear my sparkly shoes, give up my binky or let go of Mom.
Several rounds of diaper wrestling reduced my evening wear to this. Mom and Dad may have won the battle of the diaper, but I think I won the battle for being comfy.
I was having a super fun time running around the room, trying to help the bartender, painting ornaments, eating the paint and flirting with the boys. But Mom and Dad weren't having as good a time so it was time to go and this is the family picture we ended up with.

Maybe next year!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Tumble Bunny

I started taking gymnastics a few weeks ago. I am in the Tumble Bunnies class at Champion Gymnastics. My favorite events are the tumble track and the balance beam. Here is a picture of me in the foam pit after jumping off the tumble track.

Dad made a video of some of my recent activities as well:

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Festival of Lights

Today I helped put the lights on the Christmas tree. I think they look really pretty. The blue lights and the bubble lights are my favorite. Mom says that I am available if anyone else needs help decorating their tree!

Cold Weekend

On Saturday we went to Flatsnoots Tree Farm to choose our Christmas tree. Daddy likes the smelly ones , Fraser Firs. I liked exploring in the "forest", but it was so cold that Grandma Sal and I turned into snowmen.
Sunday we went to my friend Charlotte's birthday party at Domino Farms Petting Farm. It was fun to pet all of the animals. We even went on the hayride, but we really had to bundle up.