Friday, March 28, 2008

Beauty Queen

My first attempt at lipstick. What do you think? Is it my color?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Where's the party? I am all set with my big chug mugs and my "beer" (milk) belly!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

I'm Back (all of March edition?)!!!!

Hey guys, I'm back - let's catch up!

On March 1st mom and dad took me to the Beanstalk Cafe. They have lots of stuff to climb through and on:

The best part? watching dad try to follow and catch me!

Later that day dad re-wired the stereo speakers. Of course he needed my help:

I like to sit in my chair with my buds, Elmo and Blue Fish

We also made some pizza. MMmmmmmm! I love pepperoni!

On March 4th, I took snowman (I call him Snow-me) for a ride on my tractor. He thinks it's sexy (my tractor).

One day I found my mommy's swim goggles. Whaddya know, they fit? Looking good eh?

Mommy bought some new rain/spring boots, but I thought I'd better give them a test drive before she ventures out in them. I'm pretty proud of myself, oh and I love hamming it up for the camera, in case you can't tell.

I got my own boots later that week, a bit more my own size:

This is the shirt I wore on St. Patricks Day (dad got it for me in Japan). Strike a pose!

My Aunt Mary from California was here this past weekend. A perfect occasion to try on my flower girl dress for her wedding in July. The dress is a big girl size 2, but I'm a pretty tall drink-of-water, so I can pull it off!

This past weekend was also Aunt Mary's wedding shower, so I came along to help her open presents:

Here I am posing for a picture that I don't think I was even the subject of - hey the camera loves me, and I love it back!

Mmmmmm, green cake (well, mostly the frosting!)

Of course today is Easter Sunday and mommy bought me a pretty purple and green dress. And while I put on a good show for the camera, I was hollering "off off off!!!" behind the scenes and trying to pull it off. I am sort of in a "dress myself" phase right now, and after the pictures were taken I ran up to my bedroom and grabbed a pair of my blue jeans.

I did make it long enough to get a good picture with daddy (this is my best fake smile):

The true mood of the morning is starting to show:

Here is my easter loot, all being carried by my fun new "big dump truck" just like my cool cousin Simon has (you can also see my choice of easter wear for the day):

Thanks to the easter bunny (mom) for totally hooking me up this year. How did he (she actually) know I like chocolate?