Monday, June 30, 2008

Hannah Banana

Hannah and her family were on their summer visit to the Midwest last week. We hung out at Milham Park in Kalamazoo, just like our mommies used to. It was so fun to play with Hannah and to meet her sister Leah.

Feeding the ducks

Wading in the water

Such big girls!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Last Day

Today is Grandpa Jimmer's last day of teaching for the Kalamazoo Public Schools. I know his students will miss him, but I am sure excited because it means even more time to spend with me. Here are some pictures from one of his retirement dinners.

Having very nice things said about him

With his teaching partner, Marie, who is also retiring.

Congratulations, Ga Ga! I love you!


It is hot outside so I've been keeping hydrated with my new Camelback "Skeeter". I am ready to hit the trails!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

It's been a while, let's catch up!

Here I am with my mommy - we both look happy, so I guess the day was going well!
My friend Lily is good at making mud. And I'm good at getting muddy. Perfect combination!
Daddy was tired and needed a nap after making his championship chilli - Hey Wake Up dad - time to go!

Here is his award - he won the "hot" category. "Spicy hot chili" is now part of my vocabulary:

How many Plums/Adams can you fit in a hot tub? A lot!

We had a surprise birthday party for Grandpa Gary at oh-oh's house a few weekends ago in Traverse City. I think we got him!

The best part was playing cars on oh-oh's deck with Uncle Jase.

During the weekend we stayed with my cousin Ally. Dad pulled us in the wagon and we both got to hold Gunner's leash! Check out our matching outfits!

Ally and I have so much fun together!

The Beeze is bummed that she missed out on girly cousin time. Next time beeze!

This is my other cousin oh-oh. He finds cake to taste just slightly above average.

Time for some chicken fights, which I plan to dominate with my long reach!

Simon and I got to go play at gi-gi Gail's beach - Simon looks pretty well recovered from his splash fight with my dad!

Finally it was time to load up dad's Subaru and head home (check out my big-girl bed loaded in the back!)

Big girl bed? Oh yeah!

Mom and dad haven't taken me to see Indiana Jones yet, but I'm ready for action!

ok, it's almost midnight. Get to bed and stop messin around on the computer dad - you have to work tomorrow!

love you guys,
