Sunday, August 9, 2009

We're back!

ok, it's been a while, here is what the kids look like now:

Emily LOVES her little brother



Jenson is turning into a pretty happy baby. He's always smiling and laughing at things or amsing himself:



We took Emily to her first Tigers game last night. Hot dogs, rides, M&Ms, cotton candy and fireworks = happy big sister:

On the baseball ferris wheel:

After purple cotton candy, anxiously awaiting fireworks:

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mother's Day Weekend

I had a great time celebrating Mother's Day. Emily came home from school on Friday with a beautiful necklace and jewelry box she had made for me. I am wearing the necklace in our picture.

On Saturday we went to a "Magic Carpet Concert" at the Kerrytown Concert Hall. We brought blankets to sit on and snacks to enjoy while we listened to the music. In honor of spring, the theme was B's (bees) - Bach, Brahms, Bartok, etc. The musicians were excellent: we heard guitar, cello, violin, piano and voice. Emily was a great listener, did some dancing and enjoyed drawing on the craft paper they had taped to the floor. It was our first time at the KCH - it is a very cool venue. We are looking forward to going back for more concerts. Saturday evening was the St. Clare's Chili Cook-off. Ryan set out to defend his title in the Hot Division. His chili was tasty and so hot, but proved to be a little too much for the St. Clarian's. No title this year.

Sunday morning Ryan woke up early with both kids so I could sleep in. Yay! After church we had Fragels and while Ryan and Emily worked on replacing the water filter in the fridge, Jenson and I took long naps. Yay, again! After all of the naps were over, we went for dinner at "Big Red Robin", where I enjoyed a delicious cheeseburger, shake, fries and onion rings. We came home and capped off the weekend with a dip in big hot tubby. I am a lucky mama.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Baby smiles

Jenson is starting to smile and it just melts my heart. As he hasn't perfected his sister's ability to hold a posed "Cheese" smile, it is challenging to capture his smiles, but here are a few. You can even see his dimples.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Little Man

Jenson is 4 weeks old and growing so fast. To help us remember what a little nugget he started out as, we did hand and feet impressions. Big sister Emily wanted to do one too, which gave us a cool size comparison.

This is one of Jenson's favorite sleeping and nursing poses. "Leave me alone and let me enjoy this." Jenson has been sleeping very well at night, usually going at least 3 hours before waking, but occasionally 4 or 5 hours.

The weather over the weekend was hot so J Man showed off his sexy legs and buff biceps. Yes, little ladies, he is available!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Yes, we are still here

It has been a busy time for the Ann Arbor Plums. 3 weeks ago we welcomed the newest member of our family, Jenson Floyd. He is quite a handsome little guy! He is still in the new baby stage of eat, sleep, poop, repeat, but is very easy going - only diaper changes seem to make him really upset. Here are some cute pictures.

Emily is loving being a big sister. She always wants to know where her baby is and give him lots of love. She has been keeping up her school and playgroup schedule which has helped her adjust to the new addition. Emily is really growing up: she can be a great helper, although sometimes she wants to try to help with jobs that really are just for Mommy and Daddy. She has been in big girl underwear for nearly two months now.

Emily was very excited for Easter this year as she knew her baby would arrive near that time. She had fun hunting for eggs and seeing what surprises the Easter Bunny brought. She still did not want to wear a fancy Easter dress, though.

Mom and Dad are adjusting to life with two kids. There are certainly some tired moments, but they are worth it. We will try to be better about posting updates, but a lot of times taking a nap wins out!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunday Best

This morning Emily saw how I was dressed and said "I wear skirt like Mommy is wearing." What?!? This is the girl who has not willingly put on anything resembling a skirt or dress in over one year. The occasion was so momentous we had to take a picture.

Also very exciting is that Emily's hair is getting long enough to wear in one big girl style pony. Her look was very grown-up today.

This weekend has brought some warmer weather so our snow is melting. Emily has insisted on wearing her butterfly boots (the same boots she had screaming fits over wearing last year) everywhere so she can splash in the puddles. Here is a shot of her looking very pleased about the deep puddle she walked through crossing the street.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Active Emmy

My new favorite inside exercise is dancing to my favorite tunes. Here I am in my fancy dancing costume. It is the only thing resembling a dress that I will wear.
If it is warm enough to be outside, then we go outside. This past weekend we spent quite a bit of time sledding. I like to slide down my slide into my sled. I go so fast and far I end up in the neighbor's backyard. We also have a fairly good size sliding hill near us. Here is a picture of me at the bottom. I now think it is funny to "crash" (roll out of the sled when it is moving). Thanks, Cousin Simon for showing me that trick!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

28 weeks

My baby has been growing inside Mommy for 28 weeks. As you can see, Mommy's tummy is starting to get pretty big.

Mommy had a check-up at the baby doctor today and everything is great. I like getting to hear the baby's heartbeat. I am already taking good care of my baby at home. I give Mommy check-ups with my new doctor's kit. I give her medicine and take a listen. I am very excited for my baby to come!

Sunday, January 4, 2009


I am a sleepwalker. Usually, I just stumble in to Mommy and Daddy's room and climb in their bed. But today at nap time, I had a diaper that needed attention so I set out down the hall to go find them downstairs. This was as far as I got. Looks like they are going to need to make sure the gate on the stairs is closed whenever I am supposed to be in bed.