Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Active Emmy

My new favorite inside exercise is dancing to my favorite tunes. Here I am in my fancy dancing costume. It is the only thing resembling a dress that I will wear.
If it is warm enough to be outside, then we go outside. This past weekend we spent quite a bit of time sledding. I like to slide down my slide into my sled. I go so fast and far I end up in the neighbor's backyard. We also have a fairly good size sliding hill near us. Here is a picture of me at the bottom. I now think it is funny to "crash" (roll out of the sled when it is moving). Thanks, Cousin Simon for showing me that trick!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

28 weeks

My baby has been growing inside Mommy for 28 weeks. As you can see, Mommy's tummy is starting to get pretty big.

Mommy had a check-up at the baby doctor today and everything is great. I like getting to hear the baby's heartbeat. I am already taking good care of my baby at home. I give Mommy check-ups with my new doctor's kit. I give her medicine and take a listen. I am very excited for my baby to come!

Sunday, January 4, 2009


I am a sleepwalker. Usually, I just stumble in to Mommy and Daddy's room and climb in their bed. But today at nap time, I had a diaper that needed attention so I set out down the hall to go find them downstairs. This was as far as I got. Looks like they are going to need to make sure the gate on the stairs is closed whenever I am supposed to be in bed.