Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Baby smiles

Jenson is starting to smile and it just melts my heart. As he hasn't perfected his sister's ability to hold a posed "Cheese" smile, it is challenging to capture his smiles, but here are a few. You can even see his dimples.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Little Man

Jenson is 4 weeks old and growing so fast. To help us remember what a little nugget he started out as, we did hand and feet impressions. Big sister Emily wanted to do one too, which gave us a cool size comparison.

This is one of Jenson's favorite sleeping and nursing poses. "Leave me alone and let me enjoy this." Jenson has been sleeping very well at night, usually going at least 3 hours before waking, but occasionally 4 or 5 hours.

The weather over the weekend was hot so J Man showed off his sexy legs and buff biceps. Yes, little ladies, he is available!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Yes, we are still here

It has been a busy time for the Ann Arbor Plums. 3 weeks ago we welcomed the newest member of our family, Jenson Floyd. He is quite a handsome little guy! He is still in the new baby stage of eat, sleep, poop, repeat, but is very easy going - only diaper changes seem to make him really upset. Here are some cute pictures.

Emily is loving being a big sister. She always wants to know where her baby is and give him lots of love. She has been keeping up her school and playgroup schedule which has helped her adjust to the new addition. Emily is really growing up: she can be a great helper, although sometimes she wants to try to help with jobs that really are just for Mommy and Daddy. She has been in big girl underwear for nearly two months now.

Emily was very excited for Easter this year as she knew her baby would arrive near that time. She had fun hunting for eggs and seeing what surprises the Easter Bunny brought. She still did not want to wear a fancy Easter dress, though.

Mom and Dad are adjusting to life with two kids. There are certainly some tired moments, but they are worth it. We will try to be better about posting updates, but a lot of times taking a nap wins out!