Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mother's Day Weekend

I had a great time celebrating Mother's Day. Emily came home from school on Friday with a beautiful necklace and jewelry box she had made for me. I am wearing the necklace in our picture.

On Saturday we went to a "Magic Carpet Concert" at the Kerrytown Concert Hall. We brought blankets to sit on and snacks to enjoy while we listened to the music. In honor of spring, the theme was B's (bees) - Bach, Brahms, Bartok, etc. The musicians were excellent: we heard guitar, cello, violin, piano and voice. Emily was a great listener, did some dancing and enjoyed drawing on the craft paper they had taped to the floor. It was our first time at the KCH - it is a very cool venue. We are looking forward to going back for more concerts. Saturday evening was the St. Clare's Chili Cook-off. Ryan set out to defend his title in the Hot Division. His chili was tasty and so hot, but proved to be a little too much for the St. Clarian's. No title this year.

Sunday morning Ryan woke up early with both kids so I could sleep in. Yay! After church we had Fragels and while Ryan and Emily worked on replacing the water filter in the fridge, Jenson and I took long naps. Yay, again! After all of the naps were over, we went for dinner at "Big Red Robin", where I enjoyed a delicious cheeseburger, shake, fries and onion rings. We came home and capped off the weekend with a dip in big hot tubby. I am a lucky mama.