Sunday, April 15, 2007

My weekend in Grand Rapids

We had such a busy week and weekend, let's see if I can remember it all!

I discovered toilet paper this week. Who knew that such a wonderful toy was right there in front me all along?

This weekend we went to visit my cousin Simon. He's pretty much my hero, as he has 16 teeth, can walk so good, play the drums like a rock-star:

and knows how to pla
y with EVERY toy! He's also helping me to learn how to listen to books. Here we are in our pajamas during storytime:

I had a great time playing with Simon. He shared all of his toys, his bathtub and his crib with me so nice - what a great older cousin to have!

On Saturday afternoon I went over to see my great grandma and grandpa - so much fun. I think it was my first time to visit their house, and I had a really good time.

This is me with my Great Grandma Beth - she's reading me a book too - I'm so lucky!

Here I am with Grandpa Jack - he's finding out that I can be quite a handful - "hold on tight grandpa"!

Whew - what a weekend. I celebrated by taking a four hour nap on Sunday afternoon. I'm a hard workin' girl!

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