Monday, June 25, 2007

A Busy weekend in June!

Whew - what a busy weekend, let's see if I can remember it all!

Grandma and Grandpa Roach came to visit me on Saturday and they brought me a few gifts, including this fun blow up chair!
Ahhh, it's tough to be a little princess!

And of course what hot weekend day is complete without a trip to the pool?

I wish you guys would let go of me so I could get back to flirting with the lifeguards!

But my weekend wasn't done - Sunday was my mommy's triathalon on Belle Isle and she needed dad and I to pit crew for her - look at her go:

This is the transition from swimming to biking:

Two laps and going strong:
Mommy was going pretty fast on her bike, but we just managed to get a picture!

Monday, and back to Annie's after a tough weekend. Although daddy insists that I have to wear my own clothes and stop borrowing his:ok dad, but this looks a lot better on me than it does on you! When is our tee time?

1 comment:

EuroCooter said...

Yeah Sarah! Looking forward to seeing you burn up the century.