Tuesday, September 9, 2008

10 on Tuesday

My friends Hannah and Leah like to do this post on their blog so I am going to try it, too. I mostly blog about something special going on, but here are 10 everyday things.

1. Butterfly Room - This is the room I am in at school. I have been a Butterfly since June and my teachers are Miss Angie, Miss Candice and Miss Mary. I have so much fun there. Some of my good friends are Jackson, Julius, Sophie and the twins, Elle & Jaye. During the summer I went two days a week and now that Mommy is back to work, I go three days.

2. The Potty - I am working on learning to use the potty. I am able to go in the potty, but I am still learning to tell Mommy and Daddy before I need to go, not after. I have some fancy big girl undies in my drawer for when I have it mastered.

3. Play-by-play - I give everyone around me a running commentary of what is going on. "Emmy Plum help Mommy; Emmy Plum set table; Emmy Plum feed Murphy." Etc., etc., etc.

4. Library - Our new neighborhood branch library opened this summer. I love to go to the library to check out books and DVDs, to play on the computer and play with the toys. During the summer we went almost everyday. Now we go a few times a week.

5. DVDs - I like to watch them! My favorites are Plum Family Adventure - Grand Bahama Island 2007, They Might Be Giants Here Come the ABCs and 123s, Hard Hat Harry's Firetrucks and Trains.

6. Popsicles - So yummy!

7. Songs - I love to sing. My favorites are The Wheels on the Bus, The ABCs, The Itsy Bitsy Spider and Baa Baa Black Sheep.

8. Helping - I really like to be a helper. At school, sometimes I get to help collect the laundry from each room. At home, I help set the table, empty the dishwasher, feed Murphy, recycle and compost.

9. Football - I have been cheering for the boys in blue. I am learning to say "First Down" and "Touchdown". In a few weeks, Gi Gi and Ga Ga are going to take me to my first game when I visit them. I have to practice so in a few years I will be ready for The Big House.

10. Farmer's Market - I really like to help Mommy shop for fruits and vegetables. My favorite fruits right now are raspberries and peaches. I also like to get a doughnut break. The cherry doughnuts with sprinkles are the best!

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