Sunday, December 21, 2008

Winter finally hits Ann Arbor

Lots of fun stuff going on around here now:

Picking out a Christmas Tree!

Bowling at the Subaru Holiday Party - the ball return was cool - but watch your fingers (and head)!

Snoozing away in mommy and dad's big bed!

Hangin' with my best friend at school Natalie!

Driveway sledding:

(yes, that is Grandpa Gary's black snowmobile suite that he loaned to my dad - still works great!)

My new Dora shoes, that I can put on myself!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Warm socks

Gi Gi Gail recently made me some warm mittens. When I learned that she also made our Christmas stockings, I insisted on wearing Gi Gi's warm socks!

On my right foot is my baby stocking, which I am sharing with A2 Plum 2 this year, and on my left foot, is Mommy's stocking. Now how is Santa going to fill these socks with anything cuter than me?

Friday, November 21, 2008

November Fun

Emily's new "ladder bed" (with the Thomas the Train sheets that she absolutely insisted on)!

Watching football and painting our nails:

My new fashionable winter gear - getting ready to go to school!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Friday Night Lights

This fall I went to my first football games. I am practicing at "little games" so in a few years (when the construction is done and the team is better) I can go to The Big House. I went to my first game at the same place Mommy went to hers, Kalamazoo Loy Norrix. This game was fun because we sat in the front row and the band went right past us. I also enjoyed M&M's, popcorn and a sucker. I liked the cheerleaders, too and wanted to practice my skills.

I went to my second game out in Grass Lake. Daddy's co-worker Mr. Dennis has a son who is the star quarterback. This game was great because Grass Lake scored a lot of ta-das (touchdowns). Also, Miss Kym gave me a glow wand like the cheerleaders had so I could be like them. Here we are in the bleachers with another of Daddy's co-workers, Mr. Steve, and his daughter Jordan.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

10 on Tuesday

Here are 10 pictures from our trip up north this past weekend. We headed up Thursday night and stayed in Traverse City. Then Friday afternoon we went up to Charlevoix. Grandma Gail, Grandpa Gary and all of the aunts, uncles and cousins were there. Even Gi Gi Beth came up for the fun. We had the best time together. I can't wait to do it again! The picture above is from my first big girl haircut at the salon.

Reading with Ally

Decorating our Miss and Mister Pumpkin Heads

Posing with our creations

Swinging at Friske's Orchard

Playing in the leaves

4 pregnant Plum Girls

In our Halloween costumes

In our early Christmas pajamas

A cold walk on the Charlevoix Pier out to the lighthouse

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Week in Review

This post actually covers a little more than a week. We've been busy! Michigan's homecoming was the first Saturday in October. It was a beautiful morning so we stopped and got blue and yellow sprinkle doughnuts at the Washtenaw Dairy and went to watch Grandpa Jimmer practice with the Alumni Band. It turns out, the bands were the highlight of the day, but enough about that!

Class of '67, 2028 (?), and '97

Last week our friends Kevin, Xan and Emmanuel had a cement truck at their house. They are building a new garage and it came to pour the foundation. It was a great show!

I also went to a birthday party last week. My friend Zachary turned 3. His mom makes the most delicious cakes. We had so much fun in the bouncer and the ball pit!

Daddy finished his garage project over the weekend. Now I have shelves for all of my toys.To celebrate, we went for dinner at Joe's Crab Shack. I thought it was very funny that Mommy had to wear a bib to eat her dinner!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Fire Safety Week

Sunday was open house at the Ann arbor Fire Station, and since I love Fire Trucks, we made our way to the firs station...

They even had kid size fire jackets - too small for you daddy!

They also had kid size fire hats!

And they had a real fire truck that we could sit in - I was very brave and sat in there with daddy. Fire trucks are pretty big in
real life!

The jacket fit me pretty well!

Mmmm, donuts at the fire station? I could get used to this!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Summer days drifting away

Well, it is officially fall. Back to wearing coats and shoes with enclosed toes. Back in June when our digital camera was dying, we purchased a disposable camera to have handy until we bought our new camera. Here are some pictures from this summer that we just had developed.

Team Camo's #1 little fans - Emily and Emmanuel

The team didn't always do too well, but Mommy and Daddy had fun playing ball!

We spent several great afternoons at Rolling Hills Water Park with Miss Lori and Miss Leslie. Using a tube and having her own personal lifeguard (Leslie is a lifeguard at RHWP), in addition to Mom and Lori swimming with her seemed to cure Emily's wariness about swimming. She turned into quite a little fish over the summer!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Another year, another party

It's September, so that means birthdays! STP (Simon Thomas Plum) turns 3 this year and we helped him celebrate this weekend. Once again, he had a super fun pizza party at Milleneum Park in Grand Rapids. The park has very cool playgrounds. Ally and I posed for a picture on the bouncing dinosaurs, just like last year. Can you see how much we've grown? Then Gi Gi Gail helped us silly cousins, me, Simon, Ally and Owen, ride. It was the best and I was sad to leave. I can't wait for our family weekend in TC next month!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Baby Update

Today we went for Mommy's 12 week appointment. I was pretty excited to help check the baby, as I demonstrated for the front desk ladies and the nurse by showing them Mommy's belly button. My little sibling was playing hide-n-seek with the doctor so she had to go get the computer (ultrasound machine) to find him/her. It was very neat to see the baby on the screen; he/she was moving around quite a bit and had a nice strong heartbeat in the 150s. All of Mommy's other stats were right on, too. I am looking forward to going back next month and am considering a career in obstetrics!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Singing and stuff

Some video of Emily today, passing the time while it was raining out ALL DAY:

Calum in da' house

We finally got to meet Calum MacDonald as a few friends came over to watch the debacle known as UofM's 2008 football team. Boy are they awful.

Anyhow - after some initial shyness, Emily joined the party and got to meet Calum:

Emily even did tummy time with him (neither of them could stand to look at the drubbing taking place on the football field) :

Sarah took some pretty good video today, I'll post it after I get it edited together.