Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Week in Review

This post actually covers a little more than a week. We've been busy! Michigan's homecoming was the first Saturday in October. It was a beautiful morning so we stopped and got blue and yellow sprinkle doughnuts at the Washtenaw Dairy and went to watch Grandpa Jimmer practice with the Alumni Band. It turns out, the bands were the highlight of the day, but enough about that!

Class of '67, 2028 (?), and '97

Last week our friends Kevin, Xan and Emmanuel had a cement truck at their house. They are building a new garage and it came to pour the foundation. It was a great show!

I also went to a birthday party last week. My friend Zachary turned 3. His mom makes the most delicious cakes. We had so much fun in the bouncer and the ball pit!

Daddy finished his garage project over the weekend. Now I have shelves for all of my toys.To celebrate, we went for dinner at Joe's Crab Shack. I thought it was very funny that Mommy had to wear a bib to eat her dinner!

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