Friday, August 31, 2007


Here I am hanging out with Saxofrog. He is a saxophone playing frog statue that lives on our porch. I have a good time moving him around the front porch.

Check out my new kicks!


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Happiness is...

Having a balloon! I am such a good helper when I shop with Mommy, I get to choose a balloon at the checkout. As you can see, I love to play with them.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Big Girl's Weekend

This weekend, Mommy went to a party with her sorority sisters from college. One of them is getting married and they were helping her celebrate. I didn't get to go to the party, but I did get to meet Colleen. She flew in from NYC and stayed overnight with us.

While Mommy was having fun with her friends, I talked Daddy into taking me shoe shopping. He is a pretty soft touch and I now have a new pair of pink Mary Janes and a pair of pink and white Croc-esque play shoes. I go back to Annie's this week and I have to look good for my boyfriends.

Have a great week!


Thursday, August 23, 2007

Plum Family Tree

I get a lot of questions about my extended family. It's fun to have such a big family, but it takes a lot of work to keep track of everyone!

Here we all are on Mother's Day in Traverse City. In the bottom row (L-R) is Uncle Al, Aunt Kim, Simon, Mommy, Me and Daddy. Behind them are Grandma Gail and Grandpa Gary. In the back row are Aunt Rachel, Uncle Jason, Beatrice, Uncle Dean, Aunt Tricia, Owen, Aunt Julie, Uncle Nate and Ally.

Al, Kim and Simon live in Grand Rapids; Grandma, Grandpa, Dean, Tricia, Owen, Julie, Nate and Ally all live in Traverse City, although Grandpa works way out in Wyoming; Rachel, Jason and Beatrice live in Marquette.

Here are the grandkids up close. Grandma is holding me and Ally; Grandpa has the babies Beatrice and Owen. Simon is the cool guy in the back. In February Simon is going to be a big brother. I am excited to meet my new cousin!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

August 2007 - the first half

ok, let's catch up with August! First I spent a few days up north for my cousin Ally's first birthday part, then up the UP, and back home again - whew!

Simon and I finally find a table our size...cheers! Look at Simon's sweet shadow puppet dog - what a talented dude!

Cousin Ally spent hours on her hair for her first birthday party and sure doesn't want her dad to muss it up with that silly hat!

Don't worry uncle Al, - if Simon doesn't want that cake, I have room for it!

After dad worked a few more days, he came up north and we all headed to da UP to see uncle Jason, aunt Rachel and cousin Beah - and of course for some delicious Togo's Subs!

After a long trip in the car, cousin Beah and I are decorating uncle Jase's driveway with sidewalk chalk. Well, mostly I am, with some expert supervision from Beatrice as she can't quite reach the chalk yet!

I was so happy that mom and dad brought my swing up and that uncle Jase let me hang it up on his porch. We hung it yooper style - you know - way up high out of reach from the snowbanks! I can see for miles up here!

While we were in the UP we went to the Marquette County Fair - more animals that just had to be pet by a little girl! These are soft.

Hey mom, how far can I lean in....these darn bars!

Here dad is bringing me in for a close look at this horse...quite a head on this fella!

Uncle Jase wanted to bring this one home to decorate the front yard, but I guess aunt Rachel said no....

Cousin Beatrice bet my dad $5 that she could match any funny face that he made - she won! Look out Vegas!

Finally, cousin Beah let me try out her swing. Hmmm, I'm not sure but something seems weird about the fit of this thing....aren't there supposed to be telescoping footrests or something?

Finally back home after all of that traveling - and now Murphy is checking out my lunch.....

Here Murphy, try some turkey - it's real good.

On second though, I'd like that turkey back please....please?

I also went in for my 15 month checkup this week - I'm a big girl - well, mostly tall: I've been out of the length percentiles since 3-months old!

Dad put some dots of my progress in this chart so we can follow my "growing upping":

Catchin' up with Emmy

Whew, only a few more weeks of summer left - I've been so busy that I'm a little behind in my blogging! Here is a wrap-up from July:I love to push stuff. Pretty much anything that will move. Luckily, my cousin Ally likes to ride - win, win! Here we are Jeepin' at Grandma Gail's in Traverse City.

Here I am playing with my little people farm. Grandma Gail lets me run loose without any pesky clothes to get in the way!Ally and I are ready to go for a ride in the bike trailer. Look at our matching cherry shirts!
Here I am at Venetian Festival in Charlevoix. I'm feeding the goats so I guess my fingers taste pretty good!
Gosh I wish I could get to those bunnies - just......can't.......reach....them!

Hmm, either this jungle toy is getting smaller....or I'm getting bigger. Ahh, the mysteries of life.
Apparently my cousin Simon's urgent phone call just can't wait........FOR PANTS!

Hey Gunner, remember me, Emily? Your number one fan?!? I love Gunner puppy, he's so soft and friendly!
No doubt I'm a Michigan kid - I love Great Grandma Beth's cherry pie - Thanks Grandma!
Here I am with my other DeWildt-side lil' ladies at the Venetian Parade - just waiting for some candy to come my way!

When we got back to Ann Arbor my busy summer continued - at the Domino Farms Petting Zoo with Mommy, Grandma Sal and Grandpa Jimmer. A little girl can't get enough of these animals! Here I am trying to get a handful of baby goat.
Taking a break on my first ever hayride with Grandma and Grandpa. It's hard work chasing all of those animals around! Of course I've also heard that it's hard work chasing a little girl around....nawwww.

Stay tuned for my August adventures!


Thursday, August 2, 2007

Summer fun up north

Thanks to aunt Tricia and uncle Dean for sending up some fun pictures that they took the past few weeks when I was up in Traverse City:

These are my youngest cousings Owen "O-dog" Adams and Beah Plum. I love being around them. Can't wait till they are old enough to wrestle with me!

Hey guys, I want to cuddle too!

Here I am with my cousin Ally and Grandma Gail playing at their new beach property. I can't get enough of the sand, but I'm still undecided on the water!

Ahhh, funnin' and sunnin' with grandma!

Here we are (me, Ally and Owen) all geared up on aunt Trish and uncle Dean's Mastercraft. Check out our high-tech lifejackets!

My mom and dad just got back from their bike ride in da UP - I was so happy to see them again!

How to hang up a swing with out all of your tools (well, mostly a ladder): Uncle Nate made a good ladder substitute, and we'll use this rake to make sure the two hooks in the trees are level. Good job supervising dad! (Dad actually wants little part of this sketchy operation, which ended without tragedy).