Sunday, August 19, 2007

Catchin' up with Emmy

Whew, only a few more weeks of summer left - I've been so busy that I'm a little behind in my blogging! Here is a wrap-up from July:I love to push stuff. Pretty much anything that will move. Luckily, my cousin Ally likes to ride - win, win! Here we are Jeepin' at Grandma Gail's in Traverse City.

Here I am playing with my little people farm. Grandma Gail lets me run loose without any pesky clothes to get in the way!Ally and I are ready to go for a ride in the bike trailer. Look at our matching cherry shirts!
Here I am at Venetian Festival in Charlevoix. I'm feeding the goats so I guess my fingers taste pretty good!
Gosh I wish I could get to those bunnies - just......can't.......reach....them!

Hmm, either this jungle toy is getting smaller....or I'm getting bigger. Ahh, the mysteries of life.
Apparently my cousin Simon's urgent phone call just can't wait........FOR PANTS!

Hey Gunner, remember me, Emily? Your number one fan?!? I love Gunner puppy, he's so soft and friendly!
No doubt I'm a Michigan kid - I love Great Grandma Beth's cherry pie - Thanks Grandma!
Here I am with my other DeWildt-side lil' ladies at the Venetian Parade - just waiting for some candy to come my way!

When we got back to Ann Arbor my busy summer continued - at the Domino Farms Petting Zoo with Mommy, Grandma Sal and Grandpa Jimmer. A little girl can't get enough of these animals! Here I am trying to get a handful of baby goat.
Taking a break on my first ever hayride with Grandma and Grandpa. It's hard work chasing all of those animals around! Of course I've also heard that it's hard work chasing a little girl around....nawwww.

Stay tuned for my August adventures!


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