Tuesday, July 29, 2008

California Day 1- 7/14/08

We left for our big vacation to California on Monday, July 14. We took an airplane from Detroit to San Diego. Since I 'm a big 2-year old now, I had my own seat on the plane, which was great for everyone! I was right by the window so I could see the scenery, as well as the airplane wing.

After landing in San Diego and taking care of some errands for Aunt Mary, GaGa Jimmer and Mommy and naps for GiGi Sal, Daddy and myself, we went to Old Town San Diego for dinner. Cheers!

After dinner, we walked around Old Town. The settlers who came to California didn't come in an airplane like me, they came in a covered wagon. Here are me and Daddy checking out how much cargo space they had.

Old Town was very cool, but jet lag was setting in so we kept our evening out short. Here is another view of Old Town.

Stay tuned for more...

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